There are three basic categories working hours:

  • full-time work, which must not exceed forty hours per week;
  • part-time, which means any working time shorter than full-time;
  • reduced working hours for jobs where, even with occupational safety measures, it is not possible to protect the worker from harmful influences.

In the case of force majeure, an extraordinary increase in the scope of work and in other similar cases of urgent need, the worker must work longer than full-time or part-time at the employer's request.  Overtime work of an individual worker may not last longer than one hundred and eighty hours a year, unless it is agreed by a collective agreement, in which case it may not last longer than two hundred and fifty hours a year. For overtime work, the worker has the right to an increased salary.

Rest and allow

The Labor Law determines the minimum during working hours pause of 30 minutes for employment with at least 6 hours of work per day, unless otherwise specified by a special law. During each time period of twenty-four hours, the worker is entitled to daily rest of at least twelve hours continuously.

The law further determines weekly vacation for a continuous duration of at least twenty-four hours and annual leave for a minimum duration of at least 4 weeks.
