Incentive measures for investment projects in the Republic of Croatia are regulated by the Investment Promotion Act (Official Gazette, No. 63/22) and refer to investment projects in:
- production and processing activities,
- development and innovation activities,
- business support activities and
- with high added value service activities.
Subsidies cannot be granted in the fisheries, aquaculture and primary agricultural production sectors; in the steel sector, the coal sector, the artificial fiber sector, the transport sector and related infrastructure; for energy production and distribution, and energy infrastructure; for the development of broadband networks; for research infrastructure; for the shipbuilding sector; for the finance and insurance sector; for the health sector, the social welfare sector and the education sector; for the trade sector; for the construction and real estate business sectors; for the sectors of water management, waste management and environmental rehabilitation; for the mining and extraction sector; and for the transport and storage sector.