According to the Companies Act, domestic and foreign companies operate under equal conditions. A foreign investor may establish or participate in the establishment of a company and may acquire rights and/or obligations under the same conditions as any domestic investor. Foreign investors with headquarters or residence in a country that is not a member of the WTO should meet the condition of reciprocity.

The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia stipulates that all rights acquired through capital investment shall not be limited by law or other legal act, and that foreign investors are guaranteed the free transfer and repatriation of profits and invested capital.

A foreign person who wants to acquire ownership of real estate in Croatia has the right to do so only if there is a reciprocal possibility for Croatian persons in that country. This restriction does not apply to citizens and legal entities from EU member states. These persons acquire the right of ownership of real estate under the assumptions that apply to the acquisition of ownership rights for citizens of the Republic of Croatia and legal entities based in the Republic of Croatia, except for exempted real estate, i.e. on agricultural land determined by a special law and protected parts of nature according to a special law. A foreign investor can establish a trading company in Croatia which, as a domestic legal entity, can acquire real estate without restrictions.